Stick figure
This was like a stick figure sucide but with no blood, but hey not bad
Stick figure
This was like a stick figure sucide but with no blood, but hey not bad
Right that was really good, not
Put good stuff up how on earth did this get to the top 5 it is rubbish
Wouldn't he get killed when he got hit with a sg
Coool but i don't get the story
that really made me laugh
Some of the stuff on newgrounds is jsut not funny( either that or i don't get the jokes) but anyhow that was really funny cause i could relate to it, MAKE MORE
cool but i don't get it
the gore was cool but i really din't get it what, plz explain it is probly just me but plz explain
Cool but why were they all so short, trace bitmaps so the files aren't as big. I didn't fllw the story fully but it was cool to watch
I watched the second 1 frst so i guess tthat puts me in a bad stae of mind cause it wasn't as good as the second but that was still mindblowingly good
Awsome can i give it more than 10
I don't need anymore words that was just sooo cool
i go watch castle now
Okay :D
That was one of those movies were u acn't stop urself giggly with laghter
How do u do the awsome graphics, i don't think the sounds are that bad
Hey! I write about and play video games. I do a bit of programming, some in Flash some in C#
Age 33, Male
Joined on 9/1/04