Congartulations to evryone involved
Right, before i start i would like to say well done to evryone who took part that was a amzaing set on of animations
Right lets start with....SPACE CHIKEN
Neat litle story u got there. and with a meaning i do belive, that kids eyes were so well drawn that u should get a award for that, so sad. Right, animations, are amazing, as you would come to expect from a "shades of *" production. Now although the ending was predictable it still made me laugh and the clorine joke was well though, even if it has been done before. That teacher was a very stero-typiccal teacher and for that one reason i really liked this one.
Next up we have....Greendom
Ur animations in this were superb even for "shades of *" It wasn't oringal the idea of relating blue to water but what u have dome with this movie has made up for the fact. Although it had no humour the end was good, even if the moral was bad!!! U stuck very well to everything being blue, one might have been tempted to make the gun grayer but well done for not doing just that.
Right lets do my name won't fit, if that is your real name. Right, i don't think i got that. Neat animation but i didn't understand what was goin on. PLZ explain, i am guessing you were finding out what was on the other side of a plug, i kninda lost it after that, replay and explain.
N&R(Dark and Rotten), cynaicall name. Oh well. Nice effects(old movie grain) at the start. Most deffintly the shortest, but amazingly kool, slick and funny, didn't go anywhere and the animation wasn't that adavnced but that was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny, i don't quite know why. Was that reel big fish in the backgorund??
I don't like the song, its some rubbishy rap right. Other than that i absolutly loved the animations, easily the best animated, and quite possibly the longest. It was very meaningful, esspecailly compared to some of the others!! I don't know what to say other than pick a better song...
Xionic Deamon
Once again i didn't like the music and once again u have made a amazing movie, look at dajamin, thats what i think of it.
A gr8 set of animations here, luv to see another "sahde of *" why not yellow next. I can't sya which one is my fav because i can't chose, also, some of u get a better taste of music man. The menu, who ever did it, gr9, one better than gr8. look forward to seein u in action again...